Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Izmailova & FIFA World Cup

FIFA & Izmailova in Moscow

So the FIFA World Cup of Soccer is here in Moscow for a month an a half and it's made for some interesting photo opps and a more interesting metro ride out to Izmailova souvenir market.

Brazilian dinosaurs entering the metro car at Mayakofskaya metro station (photo courtesy of a friend's post on Facebook).

Are their butt cheeks naked on the metro?? 😨That'd be gross!

 Light show on the Bolshoi Theatre

 There's FIFA 2018 mascott - Zabivaka - which means "goal scorer"
Photo from "Moscow Times" online of fans before game... that's very peoply!

FIFA Fan Zone by the University where fans can gather and watch the games they don't have tickets for.
The GUM Mall is all decked out in soccer!

Russia is doing much better than expected in this tournament! They got as far as the quarter finals.
Dave & Becca were able to enjoy a game together (Germany vs. Spain I believe)

The souvenir market is quite the place to be these days with all the FIFA fans. Prices, unfortunately, have gone up for it, but it's still an awesome place to shop and I will be going back one more time before we leave and after FIFA ends to get a few more trinkets!

I love these birch bark containers.... they're very nicely done!

Some traditional wooden items... not my thing, but very common here.

Love love love these wooden, hand-painted santas (their "Father Frost" or "ded moroz") ... and who doesn't need a Santa riding on a fish??? They are beautiful though and I have a couple.

And of course, it wouldn't be Russia without matryoshka dolls!

Beautifully hand-made wood scarfs

I call these "Shirly trays" because my friend Shirly loved them.

One of our favorite stops, the "pottery guy". I do believe his name is Peter, that's terrible, I have spent enough time in this shop, I should know this wonderful shopkeepers name!

There he is! A rare moment in his wee shop where nobody else was in there and I asked if he'd pose for a picture for me. Such a nice man.

Russian fur hats

Lovely painted eggs... part of me wants one, but really, where does one put a giant egg?

Some of the random stuff you'll see at the market

Beautiful tapestries shop on the left as you walk into the chaotic market

Traditional Russian scarves. It's not just for Babushkas (grandmothers), women of all ages wear them.

Lacquer boxes and chess sets... also popular here

The "slipper lady"... she tried to rip me off last time I was there. Her prices went up 1000 rubles ($20 Canadian more) since the last time I bought slippers there. Not cool FIFA, not cool.

Of course they've made the FIFA mascott "Zabivaka"  (middle - the wolf)

Might have to splurge and buy myself one of these beautiful paintings on wood

I pass by these every time and never buy any... I think next time I'll get a few matryoshka socks!

last, but not least, the shashlik (kebab) guy! They're so delicious and although it may not exactly be hygienic, I've never gotten sick from eating here and the cooks are very enthusiastic1

I asked for a picture of him and he said "come back here with me", so I did!